


2020/11/25 系统管理员


Affiliated to SINANO, Nano-Bio-Chem Centre (NBCC) is a one-stop R&D service agency for biology, medicine and chemistry. Its vision is to cultivate and maintain an open, robust, and productive eco-system for innovation and entrepreneurship in biotechnology and translational medicine; and also to provide an efficient and convenient channel for medical application developments of advanced nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The mission of NBCC is to provide professional and reliable hardware infrastructure, technical services and human resources for high-tech companies, academic institutions and medical centers around and beyond local area. At present, NBCC is consisted of molecular biology lab module, cell biology lab module and systems biology lab module, whose sophisticated instrumentation includes microfluidic, single-molecule and high-throughput equipment, capable of supporting R&D works in biological/chemical pharmaceuticals, drug-delivery, in-vitro diagnostics, bioMEMS, biomaterials, cell and microbial engineering, genomics and proteomics. NBCC’s near-future goal is to establish itself as a hub for biomedical resource sharing and technology transfer between the academy and industrial sector, and to provide a high-profile and easy-access incubator platform for biomedical SMEs with great user experiences.